
Blog Restarted, Finally

It has been five years since my last post , claiming to restart my blog. But due to various reasons, the restart never actually took off. Many things kept me busy in the last five years, I - Received a Ph.D. degree of Computer Science and Engineering from University of New South Wales. Married my lovely wife. Published a book on " Cloud Data Management " with colleagues. Joined Yuruware , and built Boomerang product that leads to acquirsation. Left previous company due to U.S. head office refocus and Sydney R&D close down. A few days ago, I received my new offer from a Bank for a role in a Big Data project. The new journey is about to begin. And I can't wait to share my new learnings and experiences on my new blog platform etc.v2 //Eat, Think, Code. - Yep! A new blog build with Static Site Generator Jekyll in GitHub . So what happen to all posts here? Well, they are at least 5 years old. There is not much point to migrate them over to the new blog just...

Restart blogging

It has been years since my last article posted in this blog . Two years exactly! In the last two years, I has been drifted among several SNS websites, including  Facebook , Renren (a Chinese Facebook-like website), Twitter , and Weibo (a Chinese Twitter-like website). However, none of them kept me for a long period. It always starts with an exciting experience, but unfortunately ends with frustration and boringness. Because they are nothing but 140 characters, photo sharing, like, and comments. Nevertheless, the fast-pace style experience drains my patience of writing long articles, leaving no time for blogging in the last two years. I now come back as my Google+ has brought my Blogger into integration. Google+ is more than a SNS website to me. It is also a portal of all Google services in the future. A decent integration is all I expected to combine my Google services together. In fact, another reason for not bloggi...


回国一趟,不开心的感觉就一直徘徊不去。即使是以往总是能让我静下心来的南天寺,这次也没有太大的帮助。本以为自己是个理性的人,一直追求“不以物喜,不已己悲”的境界。最后才意识到,理性只是对外界的事情,没有人会对自己的事特别是感情的事理性,甚至理智的。所以,不以物喜,容易;不已己悲,难! 生活实在很悲摧!实验,论文,报告,事情一件接着一件,睡眠越来越少。本打算周五晚上美美地睡一觉,周六出去郊游。结果因为改论文,也只得睡上个一小时就上路。虽然睡眠不足,虽然顶着熊猫眼,虽然在不开车的时候不停地在车里补睡眠,虽然接下去的周日差不多睡了一天,但周六玩得实在是尽心极了。 这次郊游共有Jessie、YY等八人。目标是 250 多公里远的斯蒂芬斯港。于是八人两车,来回 500 多公里的行程,从凌晨 7 点出发,到子夜 12 点赶回。全程足迹涉及纳尔逊湾的灯塔,芬戈尔湾隔海小岛,安娜湾和费舍曼斯湾的骆驼和沙漠,最后我们还绕道塔格湖,摄下美丽的星空和漂亮的黄昏。 安娜湾边骑骆驼 菲舍曼斯湾边的沙漠 塔格湖的黄昏 塔格湖上的观星者


深更半夜开车到亚拉湾边,拍了这棵树。 谷歌地图坐标 。 亚拉湾边一棵树


从 Live Space 迁移到 WordPress 后的第一贴。 某次路经 About.Me,觉得它家的域名很酷,就在上面预定了一个带自己名字的地址。终于今天收到地址开通的通知。赶忙去更新修饰了一番——不知为什么,就是很看好 About.Me 这个网站——打算将它作为个人信息的聚合站点。 一直在找好的个人信息聚合站点——可以把所有我注册过的 Web 2.0 站点都统一显示出来。试过好多这类网站,也曾用过一阵子 Google Profile ,但都不乘手。希望 About.Me 能够如我所望,迅速发展壮大。