
Showing posts from December, 2009


Update V1 (on Dec. 25th) ,这篇的标题很吸引眼球,但是内容还是散了点,过于蜻蜓点水了。好在從周有将那天我们 讨论的内容做总结和详注 。 看了LZ的博客,觉得上次两人聊天的内容确实很有意思,我也来发表一下自己的看法。 历史上的中国,跟今天的美国有类似之处。美国天天都在喊“自由民主”、“市场经济”,对于和自己价值取向不一样的国家,动则扣上“独裁专制”、“邪恶轴心”、“无赖国家”等帽子,要他国开放市场、实行政改、提高汇率、军费透明,或者就是经济制裁、武器核查、军事打击......总之,美国的国际行为是一点都不民主,而且很霸道的。 中国在历史上,也很有意思。华夏民族高举着周公、孔子的大旗,用儒家的意识形态去衡量天下各国(当时的世界观范围内)。如果不信奉儒学,就会被称为“夷”、“蛮”、“戎”、“狄”,反正就是没有开化的野蛮人。 儒家文化一般表现为两个方面,用凝练的话说就是“内圣外王”,既重视内修,又强调实践。魏晋之际,黄老玄学与儒学逐融,士人知识分子崇尚清谈;唐代佛学(特别是禅学)盛极一时;宋明时期理学和心学的发展,“儒释道”相互作用——儒家“内圣”的一面在历史发展过程中被不断地加强。纵观儒学文化2500多年的历史,秦汉以后,其实“内圣”是重于“外王”的。 因此,出现了一个十分有趣的现象。首先,汉族经常被外族打败,乃至被驱赶、被占领、被统治。若留心一下中国古代史,这一现象其实占据了大部分时期。秦汉两朝是典型的军事帝国,除了汉初因需修养生息,对匈作战失利之外,基本上保持了对外强势的地位。秦尊“法”,汉则是重视儒家“外王”(如董仲舒的“天人感应”)的典型。但西晋以后,由于儒者渐行偏重“内圣”,玄礼双修,一直到晚明,汉人社会多数重文轻武。肇始于“永嘉之乱”,十六国、南北朝、唐末至五代、宋辽金夏、元代、明末至清代,总的形势就是,汉人政权在和异族的斗争中,屡战屡败。甚至于典型的汉人王朝——唐、明——两代,唐朝皇室都有胡人血统,明初虽将蒙古族政权赶出了中原,但事实上明与蒙古之间继续相争了两百多年,(从全中国的范围来看)两者基本上存亡相始终。以此来看,事实上,__汉人在中国悠久的历史当中,占有绝对优势地位的时间其实非常短暂__。 但是,从另一面看,汉族虽然武斗失败了,甚至被外族统治,但其文化自豪度十分高。就像上面所说,外族只有接受儒家文化,作为

Windows services inside Windows Azure Platform

After running the following command line in Windows Azure, net start Following running services are returned. These Windows services are started: Base Filtering Engine Certificate Propagation Cloud Drive CNG Key Isolation COM+ Event System Cryptographic Services DCOM Server Process Launcher DHCP Client Diagnostic Policy Service Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Transaction Coordinator DNS Client File Server Resource Manager Group Policy Client Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules IP Helper IPsec Policy Agent KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator Network List Service Network Location Awareness Network Store Interface Service OS Diagnostic Service Plug and Play RdAgent Remote Access Connection Manager Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Remote Registry Secondary Logon Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service Security Accounts Manager Server Software Licensing System Event Notification Service TCP/IP NetBIOS

The Windows version number in Windows Azure Platform

I finished a prototype of performance monitoring system yesterday. One of its functions is to query the version number of running systems. So then it returns: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002] According to the version number given, the possible Windows system in Windows Azure Platform should be either Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. Obviously, as a server operating system, it is unlikely to be Windows Vista. Therefore, it is for sure that an Azure Instance runs Windows Server 2008 in it. It is interesting that the newest server version, Windows Server 2008 R2, does not sit inside Windows Azure Platform. Is the Azure Team also waiting for the Service Pack 1 of Windows Server 2008 R2? To make sure that the new system is safe enough?