
Showing posts from June, 2009


标题取得不够优雅,但是无所谓啦。最近跟着杨叔叔吃 BBQ、喝酒。味蕾很是享受,顺便又学了些新的菜谱和调酒。 菜谱: 叉烧 取猪的肩胛肉。将整肉洗净,按 1 厘米的厚度切开。 用吸水纸、毛巾等去除肉上的水份。 将肉放入保鲜带,再放入盐和李锦记叉烧酱。密封袋口,给肉做 massage。 将处理后的肉放入冰箱中冷藏一天,使得酱汁与肉充分融合。 第二天,取出肉,置于 200 度的烤箱,一面烤 20 分钟,另一面烤 10 分钟。 完成。 调酒: Vodka with Lemonade 取玻璃杯,放一片柠檬,再加满冰块。 加入 1/5 的 Vodka。 倒入 Lemonade,加满整个玻璃杯。 完成。 Whiskey with Coke 取玻璃杯,加满冰块。 加入 1/5 的 Whiskey。 倒入 Coke,加满整个玻璃杯。 完成。 Vodka with Lemonade 相当具有欺骗性,喝起来基本感觉不到酒味,但是两三杯下去,说不定就醉了……

Different technologies, different customers

Microsoft Azure has made a further step than App Engine in web application part. Python, the only implementation language so far in Google App Engine, limits user to a single thread for each request. Comparatively, Azure performs much better. Since Azure supports Worker role in distributed system for its web application, pretty the same as multiple threads technology in single PC for a program. In database part, both Microsoft and Google enable distributed database system. But Microsoft seems to support more storage approaches, Windows Azure Storage Services and SQL Server Data Services. It also separates databases from its web application, enabling other web applications to access. While Google, in the recent stage, binds its bigtable databases with its own web application. It seems that Google still want to be the biggest data centre of the world in the future. It might focus on small businesses and individual customers, making profits by advertising on App Engine based applications....


转眼又到六月。 2009 年,是微博客走向顶峰的时代,又恰好是某事件的二十周年期。所以,这几天的互联网注定是不安分的,两边都在积极地活跃着。于是在 Twitter 上, 关于屏蔽的话题成为了活跃度第二的话题。 只是,靠着羞辱对方来达成自己目的的方法,真的能成功吗?再回过头来,其实 Twitter 上的中国用户基数其实并不多,而且大部分应该已经因为屏蔽的关系而上不了 Twitter。在如此境况下,一个关于屏蔽的话题却可以直接串上话题榜的第二位,网络上的舆论究竟有多少是因为小众的积极活跃而变成为大众的话题的呢?