
Showing posts from June, 2006


为世界杯腾出 Spaces 上的黄金空间,放上了世界杯快讯和世界杯积分榜。 广告时间…… 了解世界杯资讯就来我的 Spaces 吧,哈哈。。。 对了,还要感谢做出这么个好功能的 小z 。

Microsoft Office 2007 Beta2 简体中文版下载

在 CnBeta 上看到有人放出了 Microsoft Office 2007 Beta2 简体中文版。喜欢的人 可以去尝试一下 。BT 下载,所以……把握时间。 如果安装了英语版本的不需要卸载后重安装,解压缩之后把凡是文件夹后缀名为 的打开,安装里面的 MUI.msi 全部安装一遍,就能把 Office 2007 变成双语版本。 还有就是,这个是 Microsoft ITG 制作的版本,不需要输入序列号,仅能使用180天。2007年2月1日到期。

Tell Me Why

Declan Galbraith,一个小孩10岁时候发的专辑,"Tell me why"。声音清澈地震慑人心。 TELL ME WHY Declan Galbraith In my dream, children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green And laughter is the language of the world Then I wake and all I see Is a world full of people in need Chorus: Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something I have missed? Tell me why (why) cos I don't understand When so many need somebody We don't give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday I ask myself What will I have to do to be a man? Do I have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who I am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? Chorus: (children) tell me why? (declan) tell me why? (children) tell me why? (declan) tell me why? (together) just tell me why, why, why? Chorus: chorus chant: Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why...

用 Office 2007 发布 Spaces 试试

微软挺好心的。 上次申请 Office 2007 的测试后,前些日子就发来了 Microsoft Office 2007 Beta2 的测试序列号。 果如传言一般,整个 Office 界面都改头换面了。虽然很酷,但是用起来还是有点不适应,慢慢熟练一下。 终于在 Office 2007 中集成了 MSN Spaces 的发布。试一试。觉得反应速度比在 Spaces 上直接发表要快的多,而且出错几率也小很多。